What is a beer style (type) fruit beer? | [Official] Craft Beer House molto! Umeda Store

What is a fruit beer?

👉🏻 Fruit beer is a beer brewed with fruit or fruit juice added. The aroma and sweetness of the fruit reduces the bitterness, making it easy to drink even for those who do not like beer.
Originating in Belgium, many Japanese craft beers also use local specialties and other ingredients.
As a cup of dessert. You can also enjoy it as a handsome

👉🏻About Beer Styles
<Taste Characteristics
Scent ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・★★★★*
Bitterness ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・★☆☆☆☆
Cleanliness ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・★★★☆☆☆☆☆
<発祥国>... Belgium
<発酵方法>... Top Fermentation / Bottom Fermentation
<アルコール度数>..2.5〜12.0% 👉🏻ラインナップBEER ・【ラフランス/城端麦酒】 ・【ブラッドオレンジ/城端麦酒】 ビールが飲めない方でも、美味しく頂ける人気が高いBEERです♡ クラフトビールの世界へ ビールスタイル(種類)をお楽しみください ___________________________________ ⁡molto‼︎梅田店 【営業時間】 ●平日 ランチ 11:30~15:00(LO.14:00) ディナー 17:00~23:00(LO.フード22:00ドリンク22:30) ●土日祝 11:30〜23:00(LO.フード22:00 ドリンク22:30) ご予約はプロフィールのURLご参照ください。 → molto.32 ___________________________________

Contact Us
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Online reservations are available 24 hours a day

Store Information

Official] Craft Beer House molto! Umeda Store

Official] Craft Beer House molto! Umeda Store

address (e.g. of house)
8-47 Kakudacho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
Hankyu Grand Building 31F
JR Osaka Station 2 min. walk
1 minute walk from Umeda Station on the Hankyu Line
3 minutes walk from Higashi Umeda Station on Subway Tanimachi Line
1 minute walk from Umeda Station on the Midosuji Subway Line
Phone number
Business Hours
17:00-23:00 (Food LO 22:00, Drink LO 22:30)

Saturday, Sunday and holidays
11:30-23:00 (Food LO 22:00, Drink LO 22:30)

Open on Sunday
regular closing day
Settlement Method
Cash: acceptable 
Credit Cards ;. VISA  master  Amex  JCB 
QR code payment ;. PayPay